You have probably often been heartbroken when you left your pet alone at home or even missed feeding time. Assets also happen sometimes. You sometimes leave them food when you leave the house, but they are so picky that they suddenly “sleep” and then they have to stay hungry for a long time. Meanwhile, you constantly have to think about what it’s like to be alone at home, all the above emotional and technical problems are human and understandable – we love our pets very much. However, all of the problems I listed above are solvable, and our pet food dispenser can largely, if not completely, solve the above problem. Our automatic pet food dispenser allows you to pay attention and even groom your friend remotely. Our device connects to your home Wi-Fi and with an integrated app (which is easily installed on your smartphone) allows you to hear your voice, see your pet in the device’s camera and automatically (hourly mode) and/or via the app provide it with food and/or eyes Pursue your appetite.
Automatic pet food dispenser with video camera, voice support and automated feeding cycle. An affordable device that allows you to be in constant contact with your pet and take care of it even if you are not at home.